What are Be Inclusive Observations?
Observations are the core element to every audit, each logging the details of one item you’ve observed during your evaluation.
Because they can contain quite a bit of useful information, Be Inclusive was purpose built to ensure observations are as organized and actionable as possible.
Observation Structure

Above is a thumbnail of the full observation used in the sections below, let’s go over each section of an observation.

Observations will start collapsed and only display the header initially. This collapsed view contains the relevant success criteria, testing tool and user agent, and the summary if one was entered.

Once an observation is opened, the first section below the header is the categorization. There are tags showing priority, effort, global scope if selected, and a button to show more details about the criterion. The screenshot above shows that criterion detail area opened too.

You have the option to upload a series of files to observations to help illustrate the details. Screenshots, videos, PDFs, whatever you need! You can provide a name, alt text, and description for each as well.

The details of the observation, this powered by a WYSIWYG editor so you can add links, lists, bold text, etc.
Remediation Notes

Another separate WYSIWYG editor is provided to offer remediation notes, and you can also select who is responsible for remediation. In this example, remediation needs to be completed by a developer and the notes share the relevant code and how to change it.

Finally, a list of meta information is provided including the target sample, when and who created the observation, and a permalink to this particular observation.
At the bottom are options to edit, copy, move, and delete (only visible to editors on the audit page).
Wrapping up
Observations can contain quite a bit of information, but nearly all fields are optional so you can fit them to your teams needs. When all information is provided it makes the remediation process much easier, allowing you to easily assign tickets to relevant parties, prioritize based on impact, and more.
Last updated: Apr 15th 2023
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