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What are Be Inclusive Audits?

Audits are at the heart of why Be Inclusive was created. Once you’ve created a project, you can jump right into starting your first audit for it right from your dashboard.

An example project card in the dashbord titled "Be Inclusive Application", contains a button to "Start the first audit" and utility buttons across the bottom to edit, delete, and archive the project.

Clicking that “Start the first audit” button will bring you to the audit page, let’s get into some more detail about how that works.

Key Concepts

Target Samples & Helpful Links

The very top of the page is where you can define an audit name, choose a target sample you’re focusing on, and access some helpful links.

Audit page of Be Inclusive with the top section highlighted. That section contains an audit short name field, target sample selection, and help links.
  • Audit Short Name – for recurring audits it’s common to use this to denote when the audit is being performed “Q3 2023” for example.
  • Target Sample – selecting a target sample (defined when you create your project) will show the observations and success criteria tracking sections for that sample.
  • Helpful Links – dive into the specifics of the audit page further with the interactive tour, preview the audit report, or review project details with these links.


This section will display all observations for the target sample chosen above, you can also start new observations from here.

Audit page of Be Inclusive with the left observations section highlighted. That section contains observations for the selected target sample, global observations, and a button to start a new observation.
  • Observations – Some details of each logged observation, clickable to reveal the rest of the detail and reveal copy, edit, and delete options.
  • Add Observation – Click this button to start a new observation, marking a success criteria as failed will also open a new observation automatically.
  • Global Observations – All observations marked as “Global” are separately displayed in this section for all target samples.

Success Criteria

Keep track of WCAG criteria you’ve tested against for each target sample, filter by status or level, and get more criterion details.

Audit page of Be Inclusive with the right success criteria section highlighted. That section contains filter options, and buttons for all success criteria to be evaluated that displays their current status.
  • Success Criteria statuses – Click on any success criteria number to choose one of six statuses for it including passed, failed, and not present. Helpful for keeping track of progress and for stats in the audit report.
  • Filters – Filter criteria by status like passed or untested, by WCAG level, or by WCAG version so you can focus on a subset of criteria at a time.
  • Criterion details – Criterion details are shared in the criterion popup, with links directly to the Understanding and the Techniques WAI documentation.

Wrapping Up

This has been an overview of the structure of the audits page, click here to learn more about audit observations next!

Last updated: Apr 15th 2023

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