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A project shared with me is not showing up on my dashboard

One team member at your company has purchased a subscription and now has the ability to create and manage projects, the rest have signed up with free accounts and are ready for projects to be shared with them to collaborate. The subscribed team member has gone ahead and created a project and has invited the rest of the team, but some/all the invitees don’t see the project or any other details on their dashboard yet.

What could be the problem?

  • You have not yet accepted the invitation
    Invitations are not automatically accepted, once an invite is sent out by the admin it needs to be accepted before the project shows up in your dashboard. See this step by step knowledge base article on how to send and accept project team invitations.
  • You were invited using a different email address
    When an invitation is sent to the email that is associated with your account, notifications automatically get added to your dashboard in addition to the invitation email that is sent. If it is sent to a different email address, you can still accept it with your existing account but will need to do so from the emailed link rather than directly from your dashboard.
  • The invitation email got stuck in spam
    This happens from time to time, if you’re not seeing anything in your dashboard or in your email inbox please check your spam folder for the emailed invitation there.
  • The invitation was sent to an incorrect email address
    If all the above hasn’t helped, verify with the project admin what email address the invitation was sent to. If the email address was misspelled they can remove that pending invitation and send another one to the correct email address.

Still having trouble? Get in touch and we’ll help you figure it out.

Last updated: Oct 19th 2022

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